Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mutant Cactus 52 - Week 5 INVINCIBLE Part 2

MC52 - Week 5 brings MORE Button/Magnet sets featuring ""The Best Superhero Comic Book in the Universe," Invincible.

All of these items can be found in our ETSY shop here:

The spotlight artist of MC52 Week 5 is Victor Dandridge of Vantage:InHouseProductions.

This 8 piece INVINCIBLE Pin Back Button or Magnet set features Victor Dandridge’s “8 Bit renderings” of INVINCIBLE's Invincible (yellow), Invincible (black and blue), Omni-Man (1st costume), Omn-Man (2nd Costume), Allen the Alien (1st appearance), Allen the Alien (hulking version), Atom Eve and the dreadful CONQUEST..

This item is made to order. 7 of these BUTTONS/MAGNETS are 1 INCH while one of the  BUTTONS/MAGNETS  is a 1.25 inches (hulking Allen the Alien).

We also have several Vintage sets available this week.

MC Vintage buttons/magnets are ALWAYS made from recycled comic book pages and never from digital prints.

That is all for MC52 - Week 5.  Join us next week for MC52 - Week 6.  We will have our final "Invincible" inspired release featuring artwork from the talented Ren Mckinzie:

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